Facility management people at work
Pre-bid job walks are typically held during the bid/proposal preparation period, is more important than it may seem. Usually, the invitation to bid contains instructions and information relating to a pre-bid job walk site inspection. Complying with these instructions is necessary.
The purpose of the pre-bid job walk is to clarify any concerns bidders may have with the solicitation documents, scope of work and other details of the requirement. These walkthroughs are formal and the results are made available in writing to all prospective bidders that registered interest in the project. Prospective bidders are permitted to request clarifications by a date and time stipulated in the solicitation documents.
A pre-bid job walk is an opportunity for all of the prospective bidders to view the project and to ask questions concerning the project. Providing contractors with access to the project can provide better bids, as the contractors who are bidding have greater confidence in the size and scope of the project. During the pre-bid job walk, the prospective bidders survey the site and ask questions to clarify any doubts or information provided in the solicitation documents. Sometimes, as a result of the walkthrough, there may be a need to extend the bid/proposal submission date by way of an Addendum to the solicitation documents to give bidders sufficient time to address any changes made to the solicitation documents as a result of the pre-bid job walk.

Being Prepared
Going into a pre-bid job walk blindly can be risky business for a contractor.
Prior to the pre-bid job walk, the contractor should examine all bid documents, and formulate necessary questions. The important aspect here is to get a clear and precise indication of what the project requires in order to put together the best possible bid.
In order to come up with the best game plan, preparation is key – create a walk through checklist prior to the scheduled walkthrough.
Breaking down the data into categories makes it easier to collect and utilize. Useful categories include logistics, furnishings, customer commitment, the food factor and any special considerations.
Developing and using a specific checklist will not only assure sufficient data collection for proper bid preparation but also will allow the contractor to stand out from the competition. Suggestions for cost saving ideas, or utilizing new equipment or procedures can be incorporated into the bid with data justification from your