
Whether your project is a tenant improvement or a ground-up construction, the lengthy construction process entails many moving parts. Open lines of communication and collaborative partnerships early on and often are key to ensuring the development is delivered on time. Below are some best practices for navigating the construction process from start to finish:

Select Specialists.

Whether you are in the retail business or the restaurant industry, consider general contractors that specialize in the type of project you need built. Some contractors will take any job they are offered, so make sure your candidates have experience in your field. A good way to verify their experience is to review their online portfolio or call for references.

Beware of the Lowest Bid.

Contractors that bid low often take on more clients than they can handle, which leads to taking shortcuts and missing deadlines. Taking the lowest bidder could cost you more in the long run if you have to bring in someone else to finish the job.

It’s Okay to Negotiate.

Never underestimate the power of price negotiation. Negotiating with one company is often likely to yield a better price than requesting bids from many different companies. Negotiations also strengthen business partnerships by building trust between both parties.


Establish Clear Contract Criteria.

Before signing the dotted line, have a checklist for all contracts, which should include: drawings, materials, specifications, timelines, inspections required, payment schedules and close-out procedures. Also, set up payment milestones that are representative of the work that has actually been done.

Choose Your Construction Contractor Before Your Architect.

Paying an architect for plans before bringing in your general contractor is asking for change orders during construction. The people building your project need to be involved in the earliest planning processes. You can kill two birds with one stone by selecting a design-build general contractor who can provide an engineer and architect for you.

Plan Progress Meetings.

Nothing ever goes as planned, so requiring regular communication will help prevent small problems from becoming big ones. Your contractor should be doing their best to please you, so the worst thing you can do is avoid addressing concerns as they arise.

Plan for Preventive Maintenance.

When you are running a business, you can’t just wait for your HVAC unit to break down. Having to close shop for maintenance can devastate your bottom line, which is why you must schedule routine tune-ups for all major equipment. In addition to lost revenue, malfunctioning equipment can lead to safety hazards.

Keep Up with Commercial Construction Trends.

Whenever you get a chance, take time to research the latest commercial construction news to stay abreast of the newest trends and building materials. The more knowledgeable you are about the construction industry; the easier communication will be between you and your contractor.

The most important factor to consider when choosing a commercial construction company is reputation. Creative Builds has been one the premier commercial construction contractors servicing San Diego. Call CB for a free quote on your next commercial or industrial project.